2024-2025 School Year Registration

We're excited to announce that Registration will open TUESDAY, APRIL 30 at 6:00 am for the 2024-2025 school year. This includes classes for Speech and Debate, English, Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Constitution and Moot Court, Robotics, and ACT Prep.

Some classes have shifted around, but most will be returning.  We've also added some great new classes and locations, including:

  • ACT Prep in Provo
  • Beginning/Intermediate English in Logan, Huntsville, Layton, Bountiful, and Saratoga Springs
  • Intermediate English Online
  • Advanced English in Layton, Riverton, and Online
  • Beginning Speech and Debate in Clearfield, Lehi, and hopefully St. George
  • Elite Speech and Debate in Midvale, Saratoga Springs, and Online

See the full list of classes and their locations below.

Priority Registration: Current students and anyone who filled out the Interest Form can register during Priority Registration from April 30-May 6.  During Priority Registration, a spot will be held for all returning students to register with their current teacher.  Hosts are also guaranteed a spot for the classes they host.  All Beginning classes will be first come, first serve.  After priority registration, returning students can register only for classes that have available spaces (that means that after Priority Registration, students won’t be guaranteed a spot with their previous teacher).

2024-2025 Tuition

Tuition varies this year depending on the class.  Please note that there are new costs, including a Registration Fee and a higher tuition for some of the classes.

We are very aware of what it costs homeschooling families to participate in our program and take raising our fees and tuition very seriously. For many years, we've worked hard not to raise our tuition costs. However, inflation concerns require us to ensure that we can pay our teachers well to keep them in the classroom for your students. In addition, we have a number of behind-the-scenes, administrative costs that we must cover to ensure that we can continue to grow what we offer and meet the demand for classes.

ClassTuitionClass Requirements
ACT Prep$300/semester (may be taken Fall or Winter Semester)
$550/Full Year
Ages 15-18
(may be taken Fall Semester, Winter Semester or both)
Constitution$500Introduction to the Constitution: Age 13+
Constitution and Moot Court Prerequisite: 14+ and Introduction to the Constitution or equivalent class.
English$550Beginning: Ages 12-13 (7-8 grade)
Intermediate: Ages 14-15 (9-10 grade)
Elite: Ages 16+ (11-12 grade)
Leadership & Entrepreneurship$500Beginning: Age 14+
Intermediate Prerequisite: Beginning Leadership and Entrepreneurship
Robotics$650Age 13+ (8-12 grade)
Speech & Debate$550Beginning: Age 13+
Intermediate Prerequisite: Beginning Speech & Debate
Elite Prerequisite: Intermediate Speech and Debate

Class Requirements: There are class commitments and requirements for every class on the Registration Form.  Parents and students will be required to commit to them before you register for any class.  Please read them carefully before you register and review them with your student.

Students under or over the age requirements will need permission to join a class.  Permission is given by the teacher of the class. 

Speech and Debate classes require a student interview with the teacher for anyone under the age requirement.  Most interviews are held in the summer.

Parent Commitments

  • I understand that I am registering my student for a full year class. I also understand that tuition is non-refundable even if my child stops taking the class.
  • I understand that tuition will be due in the first week of classes, and that if I have not paid tuition, or arranged payments by October 1st, I will be assessed a late tuition fee.
  • I agree that if I sign up for automatic payments I will pay the full amount of tuition for my student, even if my student stops taking the class.
  • I understand that each student pays a yearly registration fee of $50 and it is non-refundable.
  • I understand there is a $50 Class Fee that reserves my student a spot in my chosen class(es) and will be applied toward tuition. I understand that the $50 Class Fee is non refundable even if I choose to pull my student out.
  • I understand that in an effort to comply with state guidelines and to keep students and our community safe, classes and/or tournaments may be moved online (each teacher will make individual determinations in the area).

Student Commitments

  • I understand that in an effort to comply with state guidelines and to keep students and our community safe, classes and/or tournaments may be moved online (each teacher will make individual determinations in the area).
  • If I am going to miss a class I will inform my teacher.
  • I commit to complete assigned homework every single week.
  • I will not participate in loser culture whilst in this class. I will not pretend that being willfully ignorant, purposefully failing, or not caring about my education are cool because I know that, to the contrary, they are stupid.
  • Sometimes it is easier to be too cool than to be educated. I will not be too cool for my class.
  • I understand that in this class we will encounter and deal with information and concepts I have not yet encountered. I understand that there is a significant possibility that on any given day in class I will begin to feel lost. When I begin to feel lost, I commit to ask a question instead of sheepishly sitting in my seat hoping that no one will notice that I don't get what is going on. I further commit to not decide that in order to be a worthwhile person
  • I must reach the foolish and impossibly high bar of always understanding everything that is going on.
  • I know that as a part of this class I will be asked to do things that are difficult and uncomfortable. I am ready to do them because I know that I won’t progress unless I do.
  • I get it in my heart of hearts, inside my very soul that, though this class is fun, the purpose is not fun. I get it that I am educating myself to be a more thoughtful, more mature, more intelligent, more capable, and more successful person. I understand that I am the number one variable in my own life and whether or not I enjoy my educational experiences is primarily a result of choices I make. I understand that my failures and successes belong to me and no one else. I understand that, even though it can be difficult to accept responsibility for my mistakes and failures, I must be willing to accept that responsibility if I hope to become a successful person. I commit to walk the painful road to overcome fear, not give in to self doubt, and to stand up to laziness, procrastination, excuses, and poor planning.
  • I know I will make mistakes. I will not ignore them, try to hide them, or despair that I can ever change.
  • I recognize that it is likely that (given the difficult nature of the class) I will be tempted to give up somewhere around halfway. I will not give up.
  • I understand that the fact that I chose to check these boxes will be held against me should I choose to not fulfill these commitments and that that process may be at times uncomfortable.
  • I understand that failing to keep commitments is a normal part of growing up and mistakes are acceptable. However, I also recognize that refusing to recognize mistakes does more harm than making mistakes themselves. In addition, I recognize that purposefully failing in commitments because one feels like sticking it to "the man" is incredibly lame (like for real).

Commitments from Teachers

  • I promise you I will do my best to create an environment in class where you can take risks, and fail, and try really hard, and not have to worry whether or not you will be looked down upon (especially for trying hard and failing).
  • At any point that I hold you accountable for failing to keep commitments, I promise that I will never do it because I dislike you or want to punish you. I promise that it will be done because I am sincerely interested in seeing you become the person I know you can become.
  • If you don't understand something and need help, if you will let me know I promise I will do everything I am able to do to make sure that you don't stay lost. I want you to do well.
  • If you have critical feedback for me, I promise to listen to what you have to say. When I fail, I will not fail to learn from the experience.
  • I promise to be committed to your growth as an individual. I will design my class and all associated experiences with that in mind, and I will give my utmost effort each day that I teach you.
  • I will never stop trying to be the best teacher that I can. I understand that this commitment is what makes me good at what I do.

Speech and Debate Parent Commitments

  • I understand that my student will be required to attend a minimum of four tournaments throughout the course of the school year and that my student will be encouraged to attend as many tournaments as would be reasonably possible.
  • I understand that a parent or some person connected with my family will be required to judge a minimum of one tournament per student I have enrolled in the class per year.

Speech and Debate Student Commitments

  • I commit to compete in at least four tournaments in this school year.
  • I commit to complete 1-2 hours of homework every single week.
  • I will not no-show or pull out at the last minute from a tournament unless I have a legitimate emergency.
  • I understand that the following are not legitimate emergencies 1. I didn't check my calendar and I have a conflict. 2. I didn't prepare. 3. I'm scared. 4. My friends are doing something fun.

English Student Commitments

  • I understand that I will be assigned to read, listen or watch material that may challenge me or make me feel uncomfortable or that I will disagree with. I realize this is part of pushing outside my comfort zone and won’t avoid it simply because I don’t “like” it or it’s hard.
  • I commit to purchasing the assigned books for class. I understand that I will often be required to WRITE in my books or be told to purchase specific editions. I realize this is an additional expense that I agree to as part of signing up for the class.
  • I understand that I will need a laptop (or something similar) every week in class to work on my writing. I commit to making sure it is unlocked, able to connect to wifi, and fully charged or that I bring my charger. I realize that without a device to write on each week my experience in the class will be significantly diminished.
  • I understand that I will sometimes need to print and bring copies of my writing to class. I will use creative problem solving if my technology fails, my printer is out of ink or paper, or I leave something on the printer so that I still am prepared for class each week.
  • I commit to completing all my homework every single week. I’m aware that the amount of homework increases for each level of English: Beginning 1-2 hours; Intermediate 2-4 hours; Advanced 3-5 hours. I realize that this is a significant time commitment and will not overload my schedule with other things so that I can fully participate in this class.
  • I know that if it takes me longer to read or write than others around me, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid, but it does mean that I will need to plan on spending more time on assignments than is listed above.
  • I understand that comments on how to improve my writing are not a sign that I am a bad writer but indicates a chance to upgrade and grow my skills. I also realize that receiving feedback and revising writing is hard work, and I am willing to do what it takes to improve because I know that learning to write well will help me in life no matter what I do in the future.

Parent Commitments for Constitution and Moot Court Classes only

(These commitments only apply to parents of students in a Intermediate Constitution class)

  • I understand that my student will need to bring a functioning device to class each week. I will ensure that they have one to bring.
  • I understand that my student is required to attend at least one Moot Court competition outside of class during the year.  I will support them in doing so.

Robotics Student Commitments

  • I understand that there will be 2-3 competitions that I am expected to attend between January and March.  I commit to prioritize the competitions and attend them over other commitments.  I understand that competitions may conflict with other things I want to do, but I recognize my team is counting on me.
  • I commit to be an embodiment of Gracious Professionalism everywhere I represent the team.
  • I understand that the Robotics class will be fundraising as a class to gather sponsors for the team.  I understand that I will be expected to participate by visiting businesses, sharing information about our team, and asking for sponsorships and donations to help raise funds for our team.

Student Commitments for Constitution and Moot Court Classes

  • I commit to participating fully and enthusiastically in class activities. While in class, I will show up and give my best work.
  • I commit to presenting incomplete, imperfect work, even if it seems incompetent, embarrassing, or otherwise bad to me.  I understand that as long as I show up and give my effort, my skills will improve over time.  I will trust that process.


Student Commitments for Constitution and Moot Court classes only

  • I commit to attending at least one Moot Court competition through the course of the year.

Leadership and Entrepreneurship Student Commitments 

  • I commit to bring a laptop or tablet to class to participate in learning activities and in class assignments.
  • I will bring a notebook and pen to class and I will use it regularly to record reflections and take notes.
  • For Intermediate Class - I understand that there will be a few books to read that will cost around $50 if purchased new or I may check them out for free from my local library.

How to Register for a Class

  • Fill out the registration form (one per student)
  • Pay the $50 Registration Fee (one per student) (New this year and is not applied toward class tuition.)
  • Agree to the Commitments for each class you register for
  • Pay the $50 Class Deposit for each class that you register for (Holds your spot in a class and is applied toward class tuition.)
  • Submit one registration form for each student

Registration links will be available on the website and emailed on Monday, April 29. They will go live at 6:00 am on Tuesday, April 30.  If you have friends that would like to receive registration information, they can fill out the Interest Form. General Registration will open to anyone on May 7.

Registration Fees and Tuition are Non-refundable. Tuition for the full year is due when classes start. It is not refundable even if you stop taking the class mid-year. The new Registration Fee is also non-refundable. Please commit before you pay. We expect that many of our classes will fill up, so register as soon as you can to reserve your spot.

Calendar: Classes begin the week before Labor Day on August 26 and run through the second week in May with a Fall Break, Christmas Break and Spring Break.  You can see the full calendar here.

We will be announcing classes over the summer as we solidify new teachers and locations, so check back!

Important Speech & Debate Information

Tournaments Speech and Debate includes and requires attendance of at least 4 all-day Saturday Tournaments each year for each student. They are held monthly and each student needs to attend at least 4 of the 7. They are held up and down the Wasatch Front and online.

Judging Each parent of a student in a speech and debate class agrees to judge all day in person or online at one tournament per student enrolled. This is a full day commitment and it is imperative that all parents judge during the year. We can't run the program without this component. (Plus it's a great experience and you will learn so much about speech and debate!)

Full List of Classes and Locations

Click on a column heading to sort the classes, or find a specific class by using the search box.

Teacher NameClassCityAddressDay of the WeekStart TimeEnd Time
ToriAnn PerkeyACT PrepProvo, UT255 S 700 ETuesday10:00 AM12:00 PM
Marisa Murdock SharpeAdvanced EnglishLayton, UT513 S 1425 WThursday1:00 PM3:00 PM
Desiree PrestonAdvanced EnglishRiverton, UT1136 Buckwheat CircleTuesday12:30 PM2:30 PM
ToriAnn PerkeyAdvanced EnglishOrem, UT167 W 1485 NWednesday12:30 PM2:30 PM
Marisa Murdock SharpeAdvanced EnglishOnlineOnlineWednesday1:00 PM3:00 PM
Arielle HadfieldBeginning EnglishNorth Logan, UT1625 Palomino CircleTuesday9:00 AM11:00 AM
Becky PitcherBeginning EnglishHuntsville, UT7568 E 900 SThursday9:00 AM11:00 AM
Shannon WilkinsonBeginning EnglishOgden, UT6545 Combe Road UintahTuesday12:30 PM2:30 PM
Marisa Murdock SharpeBeginning EnglishLayton, UT513 S 1425 WThursday8:30 AM10:30 AM
Shannon WilkinsonBeginning EnglishWoods Cross, UT1955 Sorrento DriveWednesday9:00 AM11:00 AM
Desiree PrestonBeginning EnglishRiverton, UT2574 W 12875 SThursday10:20 AM12:20 PM
ToriAnn PerkeyBeginning EnglishSaratoga Springs, UT258 Cannavale Ct.Thursday9:15 AM11:15 AM
ToriAnn PerkeyBeginning EnglishProvo, UT255 S 700 ETuesday12:15 PM2:15 PM
Marisa Murdock SharpeBeginning EnglishOnlineOnlineWednesday8:30 AM10:30 AM
Ellinor PetersenBeginning Leadership & Entrepreneurship GilbertOnlineOnlineTuesday10:00 AM UT12:00 PM UT
Ellinor PetersenBeginning Leadership and EntrepreneurshipOrem, UT466 E 1500 NWednesday10:00 AM12:00 PM
Teri LundBeginning Speech and DebateStar Valley, WY250 Van Noy ParkwayThursday8:30 AM10:30 AM
NaLyn NelsonBeginning Speech and DebateHyrum, UT444 E. Main St.Thursday9:00 AM11:00 PM
Megan LeeBeginning Speech and DebateLayton, UT2227 East 2150 NorthThursday1:30 PM3:30 PM
Sam MartineauBeginning Speech and DebateLayton, UT513 S 1425 WMonday8:00 AM10:00 AM
Zach YoungBeginning Speech and DebateBountiful, UT1144 Briggs DriveTuesday11:15 AM1:15 PM
Jantzen RussellBeginning Speech and DebateMidvale, UT7486 S Union Park AveTuesday11:00 AM1:00 PM
Sam MartineauBeginning Speech and DebateRiverton, UT2390 W 13235 SThursday8:00 AM10:00 AM
Mary StoddardBeginning Speech and DebateLehi, UT1886 N 900 EWednesday8:00 AM10:00 AM
Mary StoddardBeginning Speech and DebateSaratoga Springs, UT258 Cannavale Ct.Tuesday9:15 AM11:15 AM
Sam MartineauBeginning Speech and DebateHighland, UT6498 Avery Ave.Wednesday10:30 AM12:30 PM
Mary StoddardBeginning Speech and DebateOrem, UT248 N 50 EMonday11:30 AM1:30 PM
Sam MartineauBeginning Speech and DebateProvo, UT255 S 700 E Tuesday8:00 AM10:00 AM
Jamie WhittierBeginning Speech and DebateHeber, UT290 N 400 EWednesday11:30 AM1:30 PM
Mary StoddardBeginning Speech and DebateOnlineOnlineWednesday1:30 PM3:30 PM
NaLyn NelsonConstitution and Moot CourtHyrum, UT444 E. Main St.Thursday1:00 PM3:00 PM
Zach YoungConstitution and Moot CourtDraper, UT762 W 11560 SMonday9:30 AM11:30 AM
Mary StoddardConstitution and Moot CourtOrem, UT248 N 50 EThursday12:00 PM2:00 PM
Mary StoddardConstitution and Moot CourtOnlineOnlineMonday9:00 AM11:00 AM
NaLyn NelsonElite Speech and DebateHyrum, UT444 E. Main St.Thursday11:00 AM1:00 PM
Sam MartineauElite Speech and DebateLayton, UT513 S 1425 WMonday12:30 PM2:30 PM
Jantzen RussellElite Speech and DebateMidvale, UT7486 S Union Park AveTuesday9:00 AM11:00 AM
Sam MartineauElite Speech and DebateRiverton, UT2390 W 13235 SThursday12:30 PM2:30 PM
Sam MartineauElite Speech and DebateHighland, UT6498 Avery Ave.Wednesday8:30 AM10:30 AM
Sam MartineauElite Speech and DebateProvo, UT255 S 700 E Tuesday12:15 PM2:15 PM
Mary StoddardElite Speech and DebateOnlineOnlineThursday2:30 PM4:30 PM
Marisa Murdock SharpeIntermediate EnglishLayton, UT513 S 1425 WThursday10:30 AM12:30 PM
Desiree PrestonIntermediate EnglishRiverton, UT1136 Buckwheat CircleTuesday10:30 AM12:30 PM
ToriAnn PerkeyIntermediate EnglishSaratoga Springs, UT258 Cannavale Ct.Thursday11:30 AM1:30 PM
ToriAnn PerkeyIntermediate EnglishProvo, UT255 S 700 ETuesday7:50 AM9:50 AM
Marisa Murdock SharpeIntermediate EnglishOnlineOnlineWednesday10:30 AM12:30 PM
NaLyn NelsonIntermediate Speech and DebateHyrum, UT444 E. Main St.Monday11:00 AM1:00 PM
Sam MartineauIntermediate Speech and DebateLayton, UT513 S 1425 WMonday10:05 AM12:05 PM
Zach YoungIntermediate Speech and DebateBountiful, UT1144 Briggs DriveTuesday1:30 PM3:30 PM
Jantzen RussellIntermediate Speech and DebateMidvale, UT7486 S Union Park AveTuesday1:30 PM3:30 PM
Sam MartineauIntermediate Speech and DebateRiverton, UT2390 W 13235 SThursday10:00 AM12:00 PM
Mary StoddardIntermediate Speech and DebateSaratoga Springs, UT258 Cannavale Ct.Tuesday11:15 AM1:15 PM
Sam MartineauIntermediate Speech and DebateHighland, UT6498 Avery Ave.Wednesday1:00 PM3:00 PM
Mary StoddardIntermediate Speech and DebateOrem, UT248 N 50 EMonday1:30 PM3:30 PM
Sam MartineauIntermediate Speech and DebateProvo, UT255 S 700 E Tuesday10:00 AM12:00 PM
Jamie WhittierIntermediate Speech and DebateHeber, UT290 N 400 EMonday9:30 AM11:30 AM
Mary StoddardIntermediate Speech and DebateOnlineOnlineWednesday3:30PM5:30 PM
NaLyn NelsonIntroduction to the ConstitutionHyrum, UT444 E. Main St.Monday1:15 PM3:15 PM
Zach YoungIntroduction to the ConstitutionBountiful, UT1144 Briggs DriveTuesday9:15 AM11:15 AM
Mary StoddardIntroduction to the ConstitutionOrem, UT248 N 50 EThursday10:00 AM12:00 PM
Mary StoddardIntroduction to the ConstitutionOnlineOnlineMonday4:00 PM6:00 PM
Russell Whatcott, Casey Christensen, Ellen BurnsRobotics: FIRST Tech ChallengeHighland, UT6205 W 10050 NTuesday1:00 PM4:00 PM
McKay EarlIntermediate Leadership & EntrepreneurshipOnlineOnlineWednesday 2:00 PM UT4:00 PM UT

Questions?  Visit our Contact Page, or email Kristy at admin@ieprogram.org  


We are updating classes every day and will continue announcing classes over the summer as we solidify new teachers and locations, so check back!  We’re excited for a great new year with all of you!