We are here to help in any way we can. Most questions can be answered through the Frequently Asked Questions below, but if you would like to talk to someone more about our program, please feel free to reach out through the form below, or by email directly, at: admin@ieprogram.org

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

  • How old do students need to be?

    Our program is for students ages 13-18 years old. All of the content in our classes is designed for that age group. However, occasionally, 12 year old students are ready for the content. If you believe this is the case with your student, feel free to reach out.

  • How much homework is required?

    Each class requires between 1-2 hours of homework each week. This means that a student could have a full schedule of 5 classes, and expect to do no more than 10 hours of homework a week. However, homework requirements vary slightly from class to class.

  • How long are classes?

    Classes usually meet once a week for 1-2 hours. Each class is a little different, and we try to schedule our classes in a way that students in each location can take as many classes as they would like in the same year.

    Classes last all school year with breaks for major holidays and seasons.

  • What is expected of parents?

    Each class has different requirements, but generally, it is expected that parents will help ensure that students attend class and do their homework. Parents may also be asked to help out with activities and events that are relevant to the courses their students are participating in.

    For our debate program, parents participate in judging tournaments throughout the year. As a rule, parents should expect to judge one tournament per debate student. Debate tournaments are on Saturdays throughout the school year and last all day.

  • How do I get in touch with my student’s teacher?

    If you are registered for a class, your teacher should be in contact with you. However, if you don't have your teacher's contact info, you can find it on our IEP Team page here.

  • When does the school year start/end?

    All of the important dates can be found on our calendar page. No matter what class your student is taking, you can find the dates you need there.

  • How much is tuition?

    Tuition information, along with much more, is found on our registration page here: https://ieprogram.org/registration/

    Tuition varies from class to class and class duration.

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